Services Include
Enteral feeding services or assistance with feeding, orthopedic, genetic, congenital disorders, respiratory disorders including but not limited to tracheostomy and ventilator care, wound care, oxygen therapy, ostomy care, neurology disorder monitoring, and urology care. We pride ourselves on providing highly skilled and reliable professional medical services.
Interpretation services are available as needed.
We are currently inquiring about interpretation services including, blindness and hearing loss.

Behavioral techniques (such as modeling and reinforcing desired behaviors and using picture schedules, timers, and visual cues for positive reinforcement) can help all children adjust to changes in routines and take preventive actions but may be especially beneficial for some children with disabilities.
Health & Safety
To help prevent the spread of illnesses including COVID-19 we will follow all policies and procedures recommended by the CDC. We will use prevention strategies. Prevention strategies are the actions put in place by the child care program and taken by people to reduce the risk of spreading any illnesses including COVID-19.
For example:
-wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth,
-avoiding crowds
-avoiding poorly ventilated indoor spaces
-frequent handwashing
-regular and consistent cleaning and disinfecting,
Consistent and correct use of these strategies can lower the risk of transmission in our center. Keep in mind that community spread plays a part in the overall risk to our program and our children. So, it is important to stay updated on your community’s infection and COVID-19 status through the local health department.
If your child is having any of these symptoms please keep them home and take proper precautions to keep you and your child safe.
If your child begins to experience any of these symptoms while at the center we will contact you immediately to come to pick up your child.
Please have alternative pickups available if needed.
Signs or symptoms of illnesses include:
Nasal congestion or rhinorrhea
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Abdominal pain
Nausea or vomiting
Poor appetite or poor feeding
FYI: The child must be 72 hrs symptom-free before returning to the center and a doctor's note with clearance to return.
For further information please visit: